
+90 (224) 482 21 68


In our product service area, in order to meet the demands of our customers in the shortest possible time, under quality assurance guarantee, at low cost;

• To produce in line with Prohibitions and Standards.
• To reduce wastage and costs by increasing efficiency.
• Investing in information, education and technology.
• Complying with quality management standards.
• To be a reliable and always preferred organization that is taken as an example in every aspect (sales, leadership, brand, corporateness) in its sector, whose product complies with the requirements of the age (technological) and matches customer expectations.
• To see our employees as our most valuable resource, to trust them, and to ensure that they are an indispensable element of improvement/development work and the continuity of the system.
• To operate continuously to prevent occupational accidents from occurring.
• To maximize continuous development and customer satisfaction without polluting the environment and consuming natural resources.

It is the quality policy of our company.